Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Freedom :D

I got my license yesterday... talk about WIN. I got a perfect score on my driving test, (in Illinois you take the written test when you're fifteen, so I didn't have to do that.) and my picture turned out awesome. I got to go run errands for my mom for like two hours, BY MYSELF, where I controlled the radio, I decided where to go and what to buy, it was perfect.

It did take a couple extra weeks to get my license, which was stressful, but now that I have it, it doesn't even matter. :)

AND, my Edge meeting last night went really well, I'm really excited for tonight.
(To those of you who don't know, Edge is our middle school ministry at church, every wednesday night I work with them. Leading small groups, giving talks, depending on the night.)
Tonight's night is about Masks, getting them to think about who they really are, and if they're being themselves around others, to put it simply.

Other than that, I'm out of things to blog about. I need to go homecoming dress shoppinggg,, maybe friday? I dunno.

Thanks for listening.

P.S. Boys are still weird.


  1. Congratulations on getting a perfect score on your driving test!!! I'm currently learning how to drive myself. It's quite fun and slightly scary...haha Oh, and I totally agree that boys are weird. ;-)

  2. I agree with Brianna. Haha, okay so I'm happy for ya hardcore! I got my permit so I'm learning as we speak. (: GOODJOB. ♥

  3. Boys are still weird. It doesn't matter how old you get.
